• Moses' Medium Mountain Roast

    Rich notes of toffee and dark chocolate, with a subtle hint of citrus brightening the blend, adding a refreshing twist that elevates each sip.

  • King David's Dark Roast

    This coffee boasts a deep body that envelops the palate, offering robust flavors of baker's chocolate and caramelized sugar.

  • Noah's Noble Decaf Roast

    No caffeine buzz but all the amazing flavors you love from a classic cup of joe, this is the perfect choice for those seeking tranquility without compromise.

  • Samson's Smooth Light Roast

    Bright, tangy notes of lemon with the rich sweetness of caramel, creating a profile that's both tart and sweet.

Is it Kosher?

Coffee beans are naturally considered kosher. With that being said, our supplier is not currently certified Kosher and we are working closely with them to get them a certification.